Experience Thailand
is a collection of Thailand stories presented as individual Google web-stories providing Travellers with some useful insights into some of Thailand’s experience options. It is our prejudiced position that says this: ” Chef LeeZ believes Trip Advisor to be the only online travel agency that monitors reviews. This means all other reviews can easily be faked! for example, Yelp research suggests 80% of reviews are from FRIENDLY sources.
Here’s one for you.. Chef LeeZ, Bangkok’s #1 cooking class has requested a review of our classes by “Lonely Planet” every year for the past 11 years. Despite being ranked by their competition as the best #1 cooking class in Bangkok every year since 2011 and having over 1600 organic 5-star reviews you can not find Chef LeeZ in “Lonely Planet” Bangkok cooking class options. What does that tell you? Does Lonely Planet have a wheel to grease before they do a site inspection? I don’t know .. just saying .. do your research or do as we do when travelling and that arrives without an agenda and go with the flow. In Thailand where time is “Thai Time” learning to go with the flow is in itself an experience that is known to be life-altering.