Thai Crab Yellow Curry


ChefLeeZ - Cooking - Yellow-curry-crab-Thai-recipe-Gang-Ka-Ree-Gai

500 g crab whole crab
1 tbsp curry powder
2 eggs
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 onion cut into wedges
1 celery stalk cut into 1 ½ “ lengths
1 red spur chili, sliced diagonally
½ tsp pepper,
½ cup fresh milk
1 tbsp sugar
1 ½ tbs light soy sauce
2 tbs fish sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
2 cups water,
2 tbsp cooking oil


Additional Information


Wash and clean the crab thoroughly, remove the shell and discard the inedible parts. Wash Again, and cut into big pieces. A messy favorite. Not a date meal! But so exotically delicious.


Rating: 2 servings


  1. Wash and clean the crab thoroughly, remove the shell and discard the inedible parts. Wash Again, and cut into big pieces.
  2. Beat the eggs lightly, mix with fresh milk and put aside.
  3. Saute chopped garlic in oil over medium heat until aromatic, put in the crab and turn the heat up to high. Fry for a few minutes, pour in water to cover the crab and cover.
  4. Reduce to half the liquid then add curry powder and season with sugar, fish sauce, soy sauce, and oyster sauce. Add onion, pour in the egg mixture, stirring until the sauce thickens, add red chili and celery. Turn off heat. Transfer to a serving dish and serve.


Poo Phat Phong Kari