COVID-19 Earth’s Pandemic Wake Up Call!

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COVID-19 Earth’s Pandemic Wake Up Call!

COVID-19, Earth’s Pandemic Wake Up Call!

The COVID-19 pandemic and human devastation it has caused should be a wake-up call to what happens when we respond to an identified pandemic with hit and miss responses.  Would it be wise for all countries to band together and formulate an unified response protocol to the next pandemic? A pandemic response everyone can expect and prepare for?
As of 9th April 2020, world wide: Confirmed cases  1 356 780, Confirmed deaths 79 385,

COVID-19 was labelled a pandemic early in December 2019 according to WHO – World Health Organization.

This same page is also referred to by WHO as their MYTH BUSTER page answering questions truthfully without the hype that is so common on news media and without the gossip that is commonplace for social media and blogs.

If you can’t believe WHO what can you believe?

Questions like:

Should I wear a mask to protect myself?

Animated Myth Buster Video – WHO says: “Only wear a mask if you are ill with COVID-19 symptoms (especially coughing) or looking after someone who may have COVID-19. Disposable face mask can only be used once. If you are not ill or looking after someone who is ill then you are wasting a mask.”

Unnecessary use of face masks has created a worldwide shortage of masks, so WHO urges people to use masks wisely.

What can I do to protect myself and prevent the spread of disease?

Wash your hands frequently.

Animated Myth Buster video – Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Impact of COVID-19

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak situation – Apr 9th, 2020

COVID-19 death rate is relatively low at 6% (100% increase over February 2020 death rate) compared to the death rate of historic pandemic diseases.  Yet it has in one way or another affected nearly every human. It has caused countries to respond martial law which strips citizens of their basic rights, airport shutdowns, border closures, Government ordered closures of all non-essential businesses, shut down public places, reduced the number of people allowed in a single group, reduced restaurants to pick-up or delivery, ordered enforcement of 2-meter social distancing and more. The total economic cost and financial and emotional human hardships are still unknown. It will be crippling! Most businesses have continuing expenses such as key personnel, rent and financing payments and unfortunately, some businesses will not survive.
We are happy to inform you that ChefLeeZ cooking class Bangkok will be a survivor of the COVID-19 business closure and we are looking forward to reopening when the pandemic subsides. In the meantime, please utilize our website to access our free traditional Thai food recipes that you can make at home!

How should countries respond to the next pandemic?

COVID-19 is a current example but also past pandemics show that it would be wise to put in place a worldwide all nations automatic response to the next pandemic. A pandemic so labelled by a responsible organization such as WHO or CDC. What should the pandemic protocol response be? Having a pandemic protocol response would undoubtedly reduce the overall financial and human impact to several weeks or a month instead of months or years as is currently being experienced. It would also allow businesses and people to have a plan for when the protocols are put into effect. Insurance companies can then build a coverage cost to provide both businesses and people with pandemic coverage options.

If you feel there should be no automatic response then click NO.

If you feel there should be a pandemic protocol response then click YES.  With a YES response, you will be prompted to exit the survey or to continue and have your say in what you feel should be included in such a worldwide mandate. All participants will be granted the option to view the ongoing results.

Taking the poll gives you a say on what you think should be included, when and how the protocols should be implemented and lets you see what others have to say on the subject.

Implementation of Martial Law, Citizen return requests, border closures, airport closures, public railway closures, public busses closures, business shut-downs, personal compensation due to income loss due to the pandemic, forgiveness of debt repayment without penalty, wearing of masks, social gathering, food hoarding, nationwide banning alcohol sales, educational venue closures and more.

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Stay Healthy!

Chef LeeZ cooking class Bangkok.

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