Grilled Duck Red Curry


ChefLeeZ - Cooking - GreRed-Curry-Duck-Soup-Thai-recipe-Gang-Phed-Ped-Yang

4 black grapes (seeds removed)
1 tbsp vegetable oil
¼ cup sliced pineapple ring
20 g red curry paste
1 tsp palm sugar
¼ cup coconut cream
2 tsp fish sauce or soy sauce
50 g grilled duck breast
1 kaffir lime leave
¾ cup coconut milk
½ red & green chili (10 cm)
5 Thai egg plants (pea size)
20 g sweet basil leaves
4 cherry tomatoes


Additional Information


Thai Fried Grilled Duck with Red Curry Paste is a Thai favorite main meal.


  1. Prepare the duck by slicing it diagonally.
  2. Heat oil in a wok and add red curry paste, coconut cream and bring to boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Add the grilled duck, fish or soy sauce, sugar, coconut milk, egg plant, pineapple, tomato and cook.
  4. Next season with fish sauce or soy sauce, sugar and salt and boil until completely cooked (about 5 minutes)
  5. Add kaffir lime leaves, chili and sweet basil leaves stir to mix. Remove from heat and serve.


Gaeng Phed Ped Yang