Sweet N Sour Vege Prawn


ChefLeeZ - Cooking - Sweet-n-Sour-Prawn-Thai-recipe-Pad-Priow-Wan-Gung

2 tbsp soy bean oil
1 tbsp tomato sauce
½ tbsp crushed garlic
20 g tomatoes
75 g prawns
¼ cup stock
30 g cucumber
½ tbsp fish sauce
20 g white onion
1 tsp brown or palm sugar
20 g pineapple
1 (20 cm) spring onion


Additional Information


Add stock, fish sauce, sugar, tomato sauce and stir. Add tomatoes and spring onion, remove from heat, mix everything together and serve.


Rating: 3-4 servings
Serving Size: 3-4 persons
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes


  1. Clean shrimp by removing the external skeleton and slice down the idle of the back then remove the center vein.
  2. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat and fry garlic until aromatic. Add shrimp, cucumber, pineapple, onion and stir to mix. Turn off the heat, add white onion and fry until translucent.
  3. Add stock, fish sauce, sugar, tomato sauce and stir. Add tomatoes and spring onion, remove from heat, mix everything together and serve.


Pad Priow Wan Gung